The color of red symbolizes the impression of energy, strength, desire, courage, achievement of purpose, fame, struggle, attention, and speed. Red color at the top of the letter R on the CRE logo is to form the letter C which is the initial name of the company that is Centra. Red color can also be a symbol of nationalism that is the symbol of the Flag of the Nation of Indonesia.

Shows the color of the earth which in accordance with our corporate mission in the field of Environment. This color also symbolizes abundance, wonders, plants and trees, fertility, growth, youth, material success, renewal, endurance, balance, dependence and friendship. The green letter R on the CRE logo stands for the company name of Rekayasa, the green letter of R can be interpreted as Rekayasa Enviro or Environmental Engineering.

White as Basic Color
Showing peace, self-achievement, spirituality, holiness, simplicity, perfection, cleanliness, light, innocence, security, and unity.

HP: 0811-110-3650 (DIMAS)